Comments on: 6 Ways to Speed Up Your Site takes you from SEO to CEO. You’ll learn everything you need to know to master blogging, SEO, marketing, web design leading you to passive income. Mon, 24 Jul 2023 21:54:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Faldalen Wed, 17 Aug 2011 00:20:45 +0000 Hi Daniel,
I am so glad I come across this post. There are a lot of great tips here

I have been looking into different cache plugins, trying to speed up how fast my site loads.

Do you have any suggestions?

I was suggest to use W3 super cache, but setting that baby up is a little
beyond my understanding at this point

Thank you for your contribution,
Jeff Faldalen

By: Rison Simon Fri, 15 Apr 2011 04:39:43 +0000 I think you can also minify javascript and css files into one so that they load faster. It is also great to use a cdn.

By: Michael Sun, 17 Oct 2010 05:59:28 +0000 Quick tip for WordPress users. Try a combination of Hyper Cache + DB Cache Reloaded instead of WP Super Cache. I had much better results with this combo. It sped my site up quite a bit. Almost seems like its using flat HTML files now, its that much quicker. Super Cache didn’t really seem to do anything.

By: Preeti Thu, 29 Jul 2010 15:25:27 +0000 Awesome post Daniel…We all knows that the loading time of websites is one of the most important factors ans we can’t ignore it…Thanks a lot for such nice valuable tips..It will definitely help a lot to come up with better speed..

By: Chotrul SEO Thu, 03 Jun 2010 04:37:25 +0000 Great tips indeed. I would add in response to the comment about turning on http compression (to compress the html, javascript and css on the site) that you may or may not have access to this on the server. If you are using shared hosting – as the majority of small sites do, then you are sharing an IP address on a server, and don’t therefore have this option. It’ll either already be on, or you are stuck with it being off. Hope that helps.

By: Belize Real Estate Expert Fri, 23 Apr 2010 12:54:27 +0000 Hi Daniel,

I’ve been reading your blog since the beginning…when you had less than 3000 subscribers. I remember when you crossed the 3000 number…you were quite happy!

Anyhow, I had some extra time this morning and have been re-reading some of these classic posts….many of which are still very important today.

I was wondering if you were going to do a re-fresh or update of some of these?

Please keep up the great work, I attribute a lot of my current success to the tips I’ve picked up on your blog over the years.

Warm Regards,

David Gobeil

By: Amal Roy Tue, 26 Jan 2010 01:29:25 +0000 Thanks so much Daniel, i am have implemented all those steps in my blog except a few. Much appreciated if you could add some more ways.

By: Michael Thu, 16 Jul 2009 23:52:31 +0000 Thanks for all the great tips

By: henry damanik Thu, 16 Jul 2009 13:21:38 +0000 thanks for this thing… can i get link to your web…
and can i take this to my web….

thank a lot for your kindness….

By: mommygoesonline Thu, 14 May 2009 06:27:57 +0000 great tips.. i got complain from partner and i’m looking for great tips to speed up my blog

thank you

By: Bang Kritikus Wed, 28 Jan 2009 11:32:21 +0000 How to speed up my blogspot ??

By: Carazoo Fri, 24 Oct 2008 12:50:47 +0000 Thanks for the tips. I really didn’t know about the backslash. I will try the JavaScript thing in my blog. It takes a lot of time to load.

Thanks anyway… 🙂

By: website design Sat, 23 Aug 2008 18:10:45 +0000 very good tips. One of my blogs loads very slow because of scripts put into it. I will follow your tips and I hope to speed up my blog. Thanks

By: Tait Wed, 02 Jul 2008 19:04:48 +0000 Thanks Will, I check out Site Stalker and found out my web server performance was terrible. They had outtages every night for over an hour. I also noticed since my sight is now getting stalked that the performance has improved when first going to my site!

By: will Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:50:03 +0000 By: one million euro blog Sun, 11 May 2008 10:58:47 +0000 very usefull post really.
Thanks alot.

By: seo traffic tips Mon, 04 Feb 2008 17:19:23 +0000 Thanks for these great tips.!

By: Richard Sun, 03 Feb 2008 11:35:55 +0000 Call me an idiot? Where am I supposed to add the slash(/)/

at the end of the image Ie dog.gif/

Trouble with all the tips everyone always writes is that they are targeted at people that know website design etc

Help would be great…



By: Web design tips tutorials Thu, 27 Dec 2007 11:37:47 +0000 Im not sure about this certain “rule” or tip. Is it true that having your CSS on a totally new file is better?

As in, reducing your main .html file by separating the CSS section on a stylesheet file on its own..

By: snowgirl Tue, 18 Dec 2007 06:49:11 +0000 this is nice tuts

By: jakes Mon, 03 Dec 2007 14:20:39 +0000 thanx for your good ideas…..really helpful in future..

By: Aneesh Mon, 03 Dec 2007 13:21:25 +0000 My blog is loading pretty slow especially because of the javascripts that i use..Thanks for the tips..

By: Website Promotion - Frederrick Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:13:11 +0000 Very useful tips and the methods suggested are effective and workable. Loading time is important as most of Internet users today are still on dial ups.

By: Speeding Ticket Lawyer Sat, 10 Nov 2007 00:45:24 +0000 Your tips on speeding up your site are dead on, thanks for the info.

By: batter store Wed, 03 Oct 2007 09:48:31 +0000 Well, good idea

By: Book Of Tips Tue, 11 Sep 2007 13:24:10 +0000 By: Complete Seo Tool Wed, 04 Jul 2007 14:52:43 +0000 Great Tips Denial ! Its all about general website , do u have any plan to write something about optimization of Image related sites.

By: Jeff Sat, 19 May 2007 09:57:45 +0000 What about skipping all that and requiring all users to have a dedicated t1 line for their internet connection?

By: Review Boss Sat, 05 May 2007 17:16:26 +0000 Hi,

Thanks for the great tips. I’m just wonndering if there is any method or tools to optimize external javascript codes. External JS codes really killing load time of a webpage.

By: Daniel Tue, 17 Apr 2007 20:22:12 +0000 code, websites using apache will reduce a round trip with the / at the end of links. Sure it is nothing major for a single user opening that site, but if you consider popular websites with 100s of hits per minute than it sure help!

Thanks for commenting.

By: code Tue, 17 Apr 2007 19:19:39 +0000 Great list — but “Use a Slash on Your Links” is so insignificant, it’s the odd man out on this list.

Besides, it only improves speed if you are actually linking to a static file — if you’re working with Servlets for example, there is no performance increase. Maybe I’m the only one working with Servlets. 🙂

By: Navdeep Tue, 17 Apr 2007 04:56:08 +0000 Good ideas…

By: Eli Tue, 17 Apr 2007 03:44:33 +0000 You’re not getting a lot of friendly feedback from the people over at Digg.

They don’t seem to like positive comments, they think they’re fake 🙂

By: Armen Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:02:18 +0000 I had no idea about the ending slash either. Thanks Daniel.

Another thing bloggers should consider, is their initial theme choice. Some themes are slow to load even as a demo with hardly any content. That’s a good sign to not even consider using it, inspite of what it looks like.

By: mark Mon, 16 Apr 2007 22:38:16 +0000 Great tips! Another often overlooked (and obvious) point is keeping in mind the amount of content per page. Even if the images are optimized, having 20 entries or more per page can really slow down the load time of your average blog/site. Pagination helps a lot with this.

By: Michal Mon, 16 Apr 2007 22:30:09 +0000 One of the most important aspects for php sites is good coding, especially the way you process database queries. Try use as little as possible.

By: shrike Mon, 16 Apr 2007 22:13:08 +0000 These lists should always include turning on HTTP Compression.

This is probably the best but least used option for speeding up web sites. It increase performance by a factor of 4-5 depending on the site. One needs to be a little care full as older browsers do not support but in general especially if a site is internal turn this on.

And to reply to the obvious retort :-):
No it does not slow down the web server in most cases. The time saved by pushing smaller packets through the web server, ability to cache more and the network card more than compensate. It also works well with dynamic sites.

By: markus941 Mon, 16 Apr 2007 22:10:10 +0000 Pretty solid tips. Consolidating javascript is a good idea.

I would add Number 7 – speed test it

By: Olliemag Mon, 16 Apr 2007 22:09:06 +0000 Awesome. Thanks for the good ideas.

By: Jonathan-C. Phillips Mon, 16 Apr 2007 21:16:36 +0000 Great list, i learned something (i love that!), i didn’t know that adding a / at the end would help reduce loading time, makes sense. I use cleancss all the time, it’s a real time saver.
Thanx for sharing this list Daniel. 😉

By: Roberto Alamos Mon, 16 Apr 2007 19:28:12 +0000 Another 2 things you can do to optimize your load time when using javascript are:

1) Sometimes you just can’t put all your javascript in your footer (for example when using adsense or things in that line). For those times use the ‘defer’ attribute. If true, it tells the browser to execute the javascript code after the body of the page was interpreted and rendered.

Example (hope it will be shown):
<script src=”script.js” type=”text/javascript” defer=”defer”></script>

2) Use optimized versions of your javascript libraries or optimize them yourself. A lot of good javascript libraries put at your disposition an optimized version that comes without comments, with a lot less spaces, less characteres, etc. If your library doesn’t have an optimized version, you can optimize it by “crunching” it, i.e. do all the things optimized versions of javascript libraries have.

How to crunch? Here’s the explanation and how to do it:

By: Daniel Mon, 16 Apr 2007 15:22:11 +0000 Manta, yeah the hosting provider plays a very important role on the overall speed. But that is not something you can change overnight 🙂 (actually you could… hmmm).

By: Arpit Jacob Mon, 16 Apr 2007 15:22:04 +0000 I find that having too many web analytics slows the site down. Try to use only 1-2

By: Brian Auer Mon, 16 Apr 2007 15:16:59 +0000 Oops, I should have read all the comments a little more carefully. Content first — good.

By: Brian Auer Mon, 16 Apr 2007 15:15:54 +0000 These are great little tidbits that can be easily implemented. I’ve started doing some of these things lately, especially with the image height and width tags. I’ve got a photography blog and nearly every post has one or more photos in it, so this is pretty important.

Another thing I did recently was change the layout of my div elements. First, I placed each div by absolute positioning within another “entire page” div so they show up and don’t move around as content loads.

The other thing I did was move the content div above (in the code) the sidebar divs. Since I used absolute positioning, it didn’t effect the actual layout. I don’t know if this is good practice or bad practice, but it makes the content load first, then the sidebars. Plus I thought I heard somewhere that search engines like to see the content near the top of the page — but I may be entirely wrong on this. Somebody let me know if this was a dumb move.

By: Manta SEO Solutions Mon, 16 Apr 2007 14:44:24 +0000 Good tips Daniel, also some good ones in the comments.

egon mentioned not using content directly from other sites, rather host the content on your server (your host).

Another important factor is to look at your domain host itself. I know it’s sometimes difficult to compare hosts, but test the speed of your site on your host. Cheap hosting may become costly.

By: Daniel Mon, 16 Apr 2007 14:05:39 +0000 egon, making the content load before the javascripts is a good tip. Actually the best sites are designed with that principle in mind, the content is the first thing to load so the user can start reading.

By: egon Mon, 16 Apr 2007 13:31:01 +0000 Another thing to help make it LOOK like your page is loading faster is to move “pretty” javascript to your footer instead of the header, that way your content loads first.

Also, I suggest removing anything that is sitting on somebody elses server. If that server has high load and slow load time, so will yours, and that sucks.

Image optimizing is important, and I highly recommend the Dynamic Drive optimizer that you linked to. I use it all the time.

By: Genevieve Netz Mon, 16 Apr 2007 13:25:25 +0000 Great suggestions. I knew most of them, but the reminder is good. I should start adding the height and width parameters instead of just accepting the IMG tag that Blogger produces.

By: Daniel Mon, 16 Apr 2007 13:09:58 +0000 Collis, good tips you have there, thanks for sharing!

Using fancy backgroung images intead of simple background colors is a common mistake, I agree.
