Comments on: Use Your Blog to Land Paid Writing Gigs: 9 Practical Tips takes you from SEO to CEO. You’ll learn everything you need to know to master blogging, SEO, marketing, web design leading you to passive income. Mon, 24 Jul 2023 21:54:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ryan @ Planting Dollars Thu, 16 Dec 2010 07:00:51 +0000 Networking with other bloggers in my niche and building up a decent brand has caused me to be approached by 2 other blogs that are now paying me to write. I think starting your own blog, then trying to find gigs is the best way since it’s an easy way to showcase your work.

It’s also great to build relationships with other bloggers and get paid to write posts because you can use those relationships to possibly add backlinks to some of your other sites from high ranking sites, and backlink to others in your network which will create more goodwill for you. If you can get a paid writing gig in your niche with a high profile blog it’s kinda a no brainer to take it.

By: Archan Mehta Sun, 28 Feb 2010 19:00:18 +0000 Thank you, Steve, for an excellent write-up.

I have recently started to read several blogs and leave my comments.
So far, there have been no paid, writing gigs, but I am hopeful.

In this light, your suggestions/tips are a valuable resource.

Please keep up the good work. Cheers to you!

By: Atreyee Mon, 08 Jun 2009 05:15:12 +0000 Its really good to know that other bloggers share similar thoughts like mine. It has been rightly said that guest posts can add a lot of credibility to your blog and our online writing porfolio.

By: trailmixx Tue, 28 Apr 2009 19:23:22 +0000 I’d like to share this article with my myspace friends, but can not find the myspace logo at share!

Thank you!


By: subodh ghimire Thu, 28 Aug 2008 03:49:26 +0000 hi iam working for ethnic minorities about bote in nepal

By: Fanatika Wed, 09 Jul 2008 09:43:51 +0000 Steven,

I loved your article. Thanks for all the wonderful articles you have been giving us. Signed up on BloggerJobs after reading this. Thanks again.

By: (Mr) R Rangarajan Mon, 05 May 2008 08:54:33 +0000 Do I have to pay you for getting paid blog writing jobs?

By: Karthik Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:16:32 +0000 As you rightly mentioned in one of your other posts, paid blogging can be looked at as a short term income that serves as fillers until your own blog takes off – IMO too, paid blogging is not the best idea if you are going to be into blogging for the long term. Excellent article for those who are looking to jump in.

By: Sunil Gupta Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:22:22 +0000 It’s a nice post. Thanks for posting.

By: Tim Hollis Wed, 02 Jan 2008 21:20:43 +0000 Thanks for the tips. I have a site niched in progressive satire and will let you know how things turn out.

By: Rebecca Laffar-Smith Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:20:30 +0000 I think many of us are wondering how to dig up these ellusive blogging jobs. While there are an abundance of openings the real challenge is finding (and being accepted for) a position that uses our skills to greatest strengths. For example, no matter how much money it pays I would turn down a vogue fashion or celebrity job. It would hurt to say no but it would ultimately damage my brand because it would require me to write something I could not stand behind and have no interest in. Perhaps that’s the missing tip.

It also helps to strengthen self-confidence. Believe you can add value to the blogs of others, write down all the ways you could do that and then pitch your ideas to the blogs you’re interested in reaching. Remember the greatest rule in marketing is to give them what they want instead of focusing of what you’ll get out of it.

By: Jeanne Dininni Sun, 23 Dec 2007 20:24:23 +0000 Steven,

In addition to your excellent suggestions, I would recommend that bloggers consider submitting their posts to appropriate blog carnivals. This is one great way of getting their work out before a wider audience and building name-recognition, as well as credibility/authority in their niche.

Though it doesn’t pay monetarily and provides only a link to their blog post (rather than featuring their actual post on the hosting blog), it could prove well worth their time in the long run. And considering the fact that they may not even need to write a special post for it, providing they’ve already written a suitable one for that particular carnival–and even if they do, they’ll be killing two birds with one stone, since the post will appear on their own blog–they really can’t lose.

Thanks for a fantastic post!

By: Vikram Sun, 23 Dec 2007 10:51:48 +0000 Steven You are doing a great job!
I always like your posts and your insight. I found your blog through one of your guest posts as well. This is not easy work, churning out quality posts one after other can really drain you.

Its tough for me to maintain my own blog, with having a day job and other work, but I try to make the best of my time and learn from audacious bloggers like you and Daniel.

I have also guest posted at a few blogs, including Daily Blog Tips, for which I am thankful to Daniel that he gave me an opportunity.

By: Anthony Carter Sun, 23 Dec 2007 00:04:27 +0000 You make some valid points in the above list Steven, none more than points two and five. In my opinion writing is like anything in life- the more you do, the more proficient you become. By keeping your own blog in order with decent, well researched content and then branching out into guest posting again using well researched content, you’re not only continually improving yourself as a writer/blogger but you’re letting a wider audience know about it as well.

By: Karen Zara Fri, 21 Dec 2007 03:02:26 +0000 Steven, I can never thank you enough for having written this article. I’ve been thinking a lot about paid blogging. This is just what I needed to read.

I’m glad that you’ve included some sensible tips such as #2 and #7. I know many writers who would totally disagree with you on those. But I can see exactly how guest posts and low-paying jobs can help a blogger if she knows what she’s doing.

By: Steven Fri, 21 Dec 2007 00:43:40 +0000 Wayne,
Daniel pretty much summed it up. At first I was submitting guest posts to a lot of blogs. At that time I had no intention of paid writing, but opportunities came up.

By: Nick James Thu, 20 Dec 2007 14:50:29 +0000 A great list of tips. I think number 2 is the key point. If you’re not good enough to successfully guest post on somebody else’s blog (either by getting a request to do so, or successfully submitting content) then you’re going to get anybody paying you to do it.

By: Daniel Thu, 20 Dec 2007 14:10:59 +0000 Wayne, I think on the beginning you will inevitably need to hunt jobs down. Then when you get your name out people will start asking.

By: Wayne Liew Thu, 20 Dec 2007 13:01:20 +0000 Great article, Steven.

I have always been looking out for guest blogging opportunity but I seem to be not even handling my blog post well. Thus, lots of work to be done before I move on to guest blogging.

I would have one question. Take you for example, are you going out to seek for job opportunities or the jobs come automatically to you? My guess will be the latter one because of the quality of your writings but I just want to confirm about it. 😉

By: Syd Thu, 20 Dec 2007 11:34:00 +0000 Are there enough good posting jobs for bloggers on the internet? I haven’t tried writing posts for others, though I maintain my own blog and get a decent amount of traffic everyday.

Thanks for the information and for providing links to a couple of blogger job boards. I might check them out in order to supplement my income.
