Comments on: 11 Factors to Consider When Designing Your Blog Theme takes you from SEO to CEO. You’ll learn everything you need to know to master blogging, SEO, marketing, web design leading you to passive income. Mon, 24 Jul 2023 21:55:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Posiciona tu blog Wed, 10 Jun 2009 02:53:58 +0000 I really liked this post. I will try to implement these advices.

By: Stefanos Mon, 08 Jun 2009 18:47:29 +0000 I will focus on some very important aspcects that one should keep in mind when designing a blog:
• Direct Communications
• Brand Building
• Competitive Differentiation
• Relational Marketing
• Exploit the Niches
• Media & Public Relations
• Reputation Management
• Position You as Expert
• Intranet & Project Management

By: moses kinuthia(kenya) Wed, 06 May 2009 12:35:50 +0000 Waoo! they are very nice tips that can be used… keep up… smart work..

By: gendut Tue, 09 Dec 2008 06:48:07 +0000 very cool tips……great listing to be consider to change and redesign the theme……thanks

By: wordpress templates Fri, 14 Nov 2008 11:43:19 +0000 Hi,

Nice articles, its very useful to design new sites. Just i have one doubt, Designing the homepage in flash will affect page rank.

By: firmanwy Wed, 22 Oct 2008 00:35:58 +0000 The most common problem is load speed. It can make user feel boring if await along time to read the blog.

By: Valerie Thu, 05 Jun 2008 16:39:57 +0000 Thanks for the tips. I am in the process of designing a blog on care givers to go with my website. I need all the help I can get. Tips number 7, 9, and 10 were particularly helpful.

By: Peter Knight Sun, 27 Apr 2008 16:28:39 +0000 Good post. I’m quite new to blogging and programming in general. One of the first things I found was the bewildering assortment of themes (and, under WordPress, the extraordinary ease of experimenting.

Your tips here are very useful (as always, this whole blog is)
Thank you!
🙂 P

By: g.zhen.ning Wed, 09 Apr 2008 00:30:46 +0000 this is a great article!

By: Mosey Thu, 27 Mar 2008 03:07:58 +0000 Is there an easy of telling whether the colour scheme of one’s site (or brand) is part of the image of the site? I’m still racking my brains trying to figure out if I should go for a lighter colour scheme.

At the same time…. horizontal or vertical navigation?? Sigh 🙂

By: Vinh Le Sat, 22 Mar 2008 21:38:44 +0000 Good article, the topics you mention are definitely worth considering when designing a theme. I would just add a couple things to consider when designing your blog design such as how much time you are willing to invest into it, while more time won’t necessarily equate to a greater design, it will help. Knowing how much time you are willing to invest will help you level your expectations so you don’t end up getting disappointed in your blog design when you could only spend a few hours on it a week and was hoping it would be the best blog design in the world. It also has the added benefit of appreciating the improvements you make to your design.

I believe even small improvements to your blog design over time will take it very far, so you don’t need a radical redesign to be released all at once a few months down the road. You can make small changes to improve usability, readability, or color week by week. Good luck to everyone who is designing their theme, it is a hard, but very rewarding process.

By: ChrisJB Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:12:39 +0000 Steven,

I’ve been getting an error when I try to comment. Can’t remeber exactly what it was now (I made the comment on a different computer), but worth looking into.

Something like, …something …doesn’t exist or something.

By: Steven Snell Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:02:29 +0000 Chris,
The link to PSDTuts is not supposed to go to a specific article. I was just pointing out the look of the excerpts on the front page. The link above that is to a specific article.

By: Giftcardblogger Tue, 18 Mar 2008 16:29:28 +0000 Very timely post. I am a relatively new blogger and so I did not put a lot of thought into designing the blog. But once it was up and running, I began to notice things that were either not working or were placed in the wrong place. I also began paying attention to the user experience and how that can be enhanced to improve time spent on the site.

I am now doing a redesign to incorporate all the feedback and lessons learnt. Hope others will not have to learn these painful lessons.

By: ChrisJB Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:56:09 +0000 Any chance of a direct link to that PSDTuts article (point 9)?


By: Charlie Gilkey Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:55:32 +0000 Great post, and timely as I’m currently in the process of researching the design of my blog, though it won’t happen for a few months. I think Readibility is trumped by Ads all too often on blogs, so much so that people have to navigate through ads to get to the content. Great tips!

By: hoberion Tue, 18 Mar 2008 09:10:58 +0000 hmm, I cant remember seeing the design of this blog since I use google reader all the time (ah, it seems scoble just shared this). You might want to include more rss makeup tips…

but the info is very valuable, thanks for sharing

By: Stephanie Tue, 18 Mar 2008 05:40:41 +0000 Some great thoughts for me as I think on redesigning some of my blogs. There’s so much that could be done to improve the overall functionality with a solid design.

By: OldSailor Tue, 18 Mar 2008 03:35:05 +0000 I agree with all your 11 factors. Important factors are load speed and readability. Good work.

By: Karl Staib - Your Work Happiness Matters Tue, 18 Mar 2008 02:55:07 +0000 My two sense would be to be sure that you want to make a change. You may be surprised by how many readers like your blog theme. Just because you are getting sick of it, doesn’t mean they are. So check in with them and see what they think. You may be able to put more time into creating valuable content.

Great article!

By: Armen Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:44:19 +0000 As usual, great post Steven.

By: Steven Snell Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:20:00 +0000 Caroline,
So being involved in the process definitely paid off for you. I think too many people rush into the design without really considering many of these factors and then later something doesn’t work quite right.

By: Michal Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:50:53 +0000 Well, I prefer simple, non decorative design. Not many colors, with easy navigation. So many blogs are so difficult to navigate, sometimes you even cannot understand what is it about.

By: Caroline Middlebrook Mon, 17 Mar 2008 21:39:31 +0000 Yup when I changed my blog theme I was very clear about what I needed from my new design – I wanted the design to be able to support the common 125×125 ads and I also wanted one of those large three section headers so I could showcase the best content above the fold.

There are a lot of lovely looking designs out there (particularly WordPress themes) but they don’t necessarily support the above criteria very well.

Thanks for the mention 🙂

By: Matej Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:26:01 +0000 lol, I didn’t knew that I read so fast 😛 really 2 minutes? cccc

By: Daniel Scocco Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:12:11 +0000 That was fast Matej, I published it 2 minutes ago :).

By: Matej Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:10:18 +0000 I always enjoy reading your posts under ” Blog Design” category. Great and useful post as always, thanks!
