Very nice article and detailed interview. I wish I had found it sooner. Either way, I am glad to have found it now. I write about successful blogging tips on my personal blog and will provide a link to this article on my next post. Keep up the great work! 🙂
]]>She is a blog nanny. I spoke to her over IM and she sound like humble – down to earth kinda lady
]]>The blogosphere has so much to offer bloggers at every level in depth and breadth qualitatively and quantitatively. How could I ever contribute nearly enough to pay back what I receive? The people are biggest gift of all — thinkers, and givers, and bright lights around the world. I’m one very lucky writer.
Thank you, Daniel, for asking me to share you blog with you.
Liz Strauss seems to be a source of encouragement in the blogging world, and that can’t be a bad thing. She is, as Tom Vander Wall so aptly put it, a “cool meerkat”.