Dear Reader, Who Are You?

by Daniel in — 225 Comments — Updated — Reading Time: < 1

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Daily Blog Tips will be three years old soon, but that is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable bloggers (you). I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

You probably chuckled with the line above (if you haven’t, go buy The Lord of the Rings and read it asap), but it does capture the spirit of this post.

Blogging is about conversations, communities and relationships, right? I was thinking about that concept this morning, and I realized that I don’t know most of my readers. Sure I know some of you, the ones who have been commenting frequently or exchanging emails with me, but that is the vast minority.

I would like to know more about you, to know where you live, what you do for a living and the like. That is what this post is all about. It is simply an invitation for you to write a comment sharing a bit of your background.

I will do my best to answer to all comments, and possibly to visit your blog or website to check it out. Don’t be shy and come join the conversation!

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225 thoughts on “Dear Reader, Who Are You?”

  1. Daniel,

    I just started my latest blog, The Desktop Analyst, last week. This site has helped immensely in getting my site up & running and making it way cooler than it would be without your tips. Gotta say that I’m digging the DBT.


  2. Hi Daniel,

    I just started my Blog on Dec 31st, 2009. I am committed to posting daily and it has been a labor of love since I work fulltime. I blog as soon as I get home and start dinner.

    I love your site for the encouragement and great tips. I blog because I wanted to write and it has been a awesome experience. I am in my 50’s and thought I would never be a blogger. Happy to be here among kindred spirits

    Thank you
    Lillian Ortiz

  3. Hi Daniel,

    Just starting out on the blogging front, so it was very encourgaging to read your blog and the comments from fellow bloggers. I’m based in Brussels, I moved here in March and love it. I’m running a business from home with my partner and very glad to be my own boss! I look forward to receiving your daily blog tips – many thanks for sharing your knowledge – much appreciated.

  4. Hy,

    Im Andrea, and Im enjoying your article in this blog

    It seems that you have a big dedication to your blog, and I know it from your writing style.

    Hey, Nice to Know you anyway..


  5. Daniel, to be honest i wasn’t reading your blog everyday, although when i started learning about blogging, in my early searches for good help and guides, i found your blog as an autorative figure, and i liked the way you write, so i kept coming back to it whenever i hade any problem. i don’t know why (i guess its you honesty) but the very first time i saw your blog, i instantly knew you are sincere and have something of a value to offer. so i used your blog as a reference. but for some strange reason i tonight i have this feeling of subscribing to your feed so i can read each and every one of your informative posts. with that said, happy 3rd birthday and i wish you (more) success and all the best.

    since i am going to be your regular reader, here is a little about me.
    i am a 30 year old Iranian-American living, who came to us, to not be put to prison and be tortured for simply having a different religion than what the government wants. i live in the heartland of america (saint louis,mo), and until 3 months ago i didn’t know anything about blogging or setting up a site for that matter, but with the help of good people like you i have learned a lot in this short amount of time. i make my living with my little flooring(hardwood,tile) company. but i am trying to learn and one day maybe be able to use blogging as my primary source of income.

  6. Daniel, I have been reading DBT for way over a year now and I have learnt a lot from you. You answered so many of my questions in your series and they always helped. Keep rocking!

    @Farrhad on Twitter.

  7. Hi!! I am from Russia. Started blogging this summer, now i have only one blog. It’s about hi-tech, gadgets news and all that.

    I am 23 years old, i finished study law this year. But it’s not my job. Really I don’t like it at all. For almost 3 years i working in newspaper, i am photographer. It’s more interesting i think))))

    Love blogging, love internet, love finding new friends.

    Sorry for not very good english))

  8. Hai Socco this is Jamal Mohamed from india,Just a month ago i had started to read your blog now i am also continuous reader of your aim is one day i am also grow like you.

  9. Happy BDay! I’m a proud D.C. native who moved to TN two years ago. My blog, tnrambles, allows friends and relatives to catch up with what I experiencing, in addition to my strong opinions. LOL!

  10. Thanks for your tips regarding blog. I am from Saudi Arabia. Blogging since 5 years. Doing few community website in Tamil Language.

  11. Happy BDay! I’m a proud D.C. native who moved to TN two years ago. My blog, tnrambles, allows friends and relatives to catch up with what I experiencing, in addition to my strong opinions. LOL!

  12. Hey Daniel,

    It’s Mark from Toronto, Canada. Love your blog, been subscribed for quite a while…

    I submitted a question to you once that you published…you may remember…it was about my comments never appearing on other blogs because I figured they were going straight into the spam folders…

    So I followed your advice, contacted the dudes at Akismet, and this is no longer a problem…very cool…

    It’s Thanksgiving here in Canada, so Happy Thanksgiving!!

  13. Hi Daniel,

    I’ve stumbled across you blog a few times before, but only subscribed to your RSS feed today when I downloaded your ebook and themes. Thanks for that! 😉

    My name is Conrad Theart from Cape Town, South Africa. I work as a sales person in a cellphone shop and also run my own technology blog.

    My goal is to become a full-time blogger, so keep those tips coming! 😀


  14. Hi Daniel!

    I appreciate the invitation to share who I am, and to introduce myself to you this way. I am a retired (mainframe computer) IT professional, and I got into the PC world in 1982. When the Internet took off, I was there. (My name is NOT Al Gore, however. [smile])

    I began theOnlineWriter in 1996, meant as a means for people to be able to express themselves Online. This web site was not marketed (still isn’t), and admittedly it provided me with a way to express my own thoughts and feelings, so although meant as a venue for others it developed as simply a mostly personal means of expression.

    About 3 months ago, I took an interest in Blogging. I saw this as a means of self-motivation to write, to create something daily. I confess I have not been as regular as that – daily – but I have been able to both create and maintain the site.

    Not knowing anybody else with the same interests, and not having an ear to share frustrations with, I sort of hunt and pecked my way into a b2evolution Blog site. I am enjoying the experience, and I have NO knowledge of what my limitations – or horizons – are. I do not know anything about available plug-ins, nor do I understand the marketing practices necessary to make my site known. Facebook? Twitter? I’m afraid I’m not a self-promoter, and have very little interest in chatter for the sake of chatter. Inanity bores me

    I simply write because I enjoy it. I want to share what I have with others, hence the public nature of the site, but how to introduce its existence to anyone, without being guilty of spamming, is something I haven’t figured out.

    Communication is a two-way street, and being able to listen to others share their views is integral to being ‘there’, to being in touch with one another. The blog provides the means for this sharing, with comments and feedback – but without visitors it is an exercise in futility.

    Now, you are successful in getting me (and a host of others) to open up somewhat, so – how about you, Daniel? What can you share regarding your own aspirations, and your path to creating this successful series of Blogs? I receive and enjoy both the Daily Blogging Tips and the Daily Writing Tips; thank you for providing consistently thought provoking and timely material. I, for one, am pleased and very happy to be a subscriber to both lists.

    Keep up the good work, Daniel, and thank you again!

  15. I live in Seattle, I’m a mom with two kids and a camera, and I like to write. That’s about it. I have two blogs, neither of which make money, although I’d love that to change someday. I need to start getting into the habit of writing every morning, of being diligent about it, and your blog inspires me in that direction.

  16. Hi,
    Congratulations on your three years. I passed my one year mark in March. I’m a nurse and live on a sunny island off the coast of Florida. I would prefer to stay home and write, but drive over to the mainland five nights/week to work in a mental health crisis stabilization unit. Very interesting. Have been meeting some great people through networking and hope to start on a book soon. In the mean time, I’m exploring other ways to turn my writing into an income stream that lets me spend more time on the island.
    I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time and am finding it both helpful and inspiring. Keep up the good work.

  17. G’day, Daniel. Rodney from Canberra, the National Capital of Australia. I’ve been running a family website with newsletters & photos since 2003 & apparently it’s worth over $30,000!

    My dream is to use our recently acquired 30ft bus/motorhome as home base for an Outback IT Service – “we come to you, wherever you are”, covering an area about the same size as Brazil.

  18. Hi I am Farish 28yrs from Maldives. I have been involved in blogging for more than 2 years now. I knew nothing when I started blogging but slowly I was improving my knowledge reading from skilled bloggers posts. The first blog is all about Jobs and career tips. Now it has got over 4000 readers and still growing. I have updated this blog for more than 730 days without any break. I have got few other blogs that I contribute my time and put some effort to grow them as well. I found this website very helpful and supportive for my projects. I am looking forward to find more blogging friends from all over the world.

    Enjoy Blogging Forever

  19. Hi Lee

    On the contrary I think a subject like Construction base can help you build a related website for which there is lesser competition. Just to think of it, not too many experts on construction are not as internet savvy and with knowledge on that domain as well as website, you can make it big…

  20. @Daniel,
    Yes Daniel I think of quitting my day job and work full time online, but I have no confident right now to make full time salary online, I’ll definitely think of that.

    But if I do so, I’ll be wasting time studying right now as the course that I’m taking is in construction base, so it’s nothing to do with online thingy. But, let’s see what happens in the future (3 years), perhaps I could change my mind and work full time online like you. 🙂

  21. Hi Daniel,

    Greetings from the Philippines. I’ve just started blogging (again), and I’ve been following your very informative and helpful blog on and off whenever I have time. I work in the publishing field.

    Thanks for setting up this site. ^^


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