101 Blog Tips I Learned

by Daniel in — 175 Comments — Updated — Reading Time: 2 minutes

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  1. if you are not, start blogging today
  2. write about something that you love
  3. if you are serious about blogging buy your own domain
  4. make sure your domain name is equal to your blog name
  5. use a short and easy to remember name
  6. use WordPress
  7. use WordPress plugins
  8. blog with consistency
  9. write at least 5 posts a week
  10. proofread
  11. proofread one more time
  12. interact with other bloggers
  13. leave meaningful comments
  14. leave funny comments
  15. leave the first comment
  16. backup your blog
  17. get rid of the sidebar calendar
  18. choose your niche wisely, not too big and not too small
  19. participate in online forums
  20. put a link on your signature
  21. use blog carnivals
  22. content is king
  23. customize your blog template
  24. use trackbacks
  25. simplicity is the way to go
  26. leverage social bookmarks
  27. consider joining a blog network
  28. write “Top 10” lists
  29. use tags
  30. use pings
  31. write “How to” articles
  32. make your posts scannable
  33. list your blog on directories
  34. ask questions to your readers
  35. use Feedburner
  36. use sense of humor
  37. be generous
  38. encourage readers to subscribe
  39. have some spare posts for emergencies
  40. encourage readers to digg your posts
  41. put an RSS subscription icon on every single page
  42. use “series” of posts
  43. return comments
  44. return links
  45. use readable fonts
  46. gather .edu and .gov backlinks
  47. break long posts in more parts
  48. experiment with different revenue sources
  49. write “pillar articles
  50. use Google Analytics
  51. study those numbers
  52. use email interviews
  53. be yourself
  54. avoid duplicate content
  55. use an RSS reader
  56. read as many blogs as possible
  57. focus on timeless content
  58. have an “About” page
  59. have a picture of yourself on the “About” page
  60. crate your own “Advertise Here” page
  61. use meta tags wisely
  62. learn the basics of SEO
  63. use pictures whenever possible
  64. create value for your readers
  65. place ads wisely
  66. be patient
  67. consider getting a co-blogger
  68. submit your articles to directories
  69. share what has worked for you
  70. share what has not worked for you
  71. read Problogger.net
  72. do not clutter your sidebar with icons
  73. get rid of looooong blogrolls
  74. experiment with Google Adsense
  75. experiment with Text-Link-Ads
  76. link to other blogs as often as possible
  77. make it easy for visitors to contact you
  78. use titles effectively
  79. offer email subscriptions
  80. always answer to questions
  81. always answer to comments
  82. use Technorati
  83. enable subscription to comments
  84. offer useful tools or resources
  85. write with a personal touch
  86. become an expert in your niche
  87. do not rely on “linking posts”
  88. always give your opinion
  89. use simple colors
  90. participate in blogging projects
  91. get to know other bloggers personally
  92. list your best articles
  93. have a voice
  94. organize your categories
  95. talk directly to your readers
  96. make your URL structure efficient
  97. put functional links on your footer
  98. mention your sources or references
  99. do monthly roundups
  100. consider adding podcasts
  101. create a “101 list”

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175 thoughts on “101 Blog Tips I Learned”

  1. good tips here even this was written back in 2006, still it is applicable until now. this is really a timeless post and good job!

  2. I admitted that i could not follow all of those tips, but i want to learn some more effective methods, so that as a newbie i could inspired my self.

  3. Concise and to the point. A good list and I’ve spent the last hour going through it and updating my blogs behind the scenes.


  4. Don’t forget to thank people for their comments. It may lead to a backlink on their site down the road.


  5. very complete listing…..and most the tools above free….I love free……, free tool and ways for making money….great jobs, thanks

  6. I never realised there were so many things to consider when starting a blog. Thanks for the tips. We are just about to add a blog to our website so it is very useful.

    Thank you!

  7. I’ve just attended last week Internet Marketing workshop about how to create, post and of course earn money from blog. Your detailed list help a lot especially for the beginner like me. Hope I can receive some information about blogging. More power! Thanks.

  8. Great list.. I’m not quite sure how long it took you to come up with the list. But I think if one really follows at least 50% of your ideas listed, they would be on their way to raking in the money!!!:)

  9. This post is even relevant today when we have reached the last half of 2008. This shows that you are very good at what you write.

  10. Very nice article, but … WHY use “Google Analytics”? Most people are already blocking *.google-analytics.com and their stats are most of the time absolutely wrong.

    Google Analytics: 5000 visitors, Sitemeter: 6500 visitors and my web server says even 6700. So who just lies…

  11. WOW!!! what a great Idea!..Nice list on how to make your blog the best that you can..thanks for the list It will help us…

    God bless uu!!

  12. I ve already read this a couple of times, but i always find my self coming back to this one and a couple of other articles here.

    I have to say great work here!

  13. wow!! some of your tips are never cross my mind! I will definitely keep this on my bookmark and read it again and again…many thanks!


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