Dear Reader, Who Are You?

by Daniel in — 225 Comments — Updated — Reading Time: < 1

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Daily Blog Tips will be three years old soon, but that is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable bloggers (you). I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

You probably chuckled with the line above (if you haven’t, go buy The Lord of the Rings and read it asap), but it does capture the spirit of this post.

Blogging is about conversations, communities and relationships, right? I was thinking about that concept this morning, and I realized that I don’t know most of my readers. Sure I know some of you, the ones who have been commenting frequently or exchanging emails with me, but that is the vast minority.

I would like to know more about you, to know where you live, what you do for a living and the like. That is what this post is all about. It is simply an invitation for you to write a comment sharing a bit of your background.

I will do my best to answer to all comments, and possibly to visit your blog or website to check it out. Don’t be shy and come join the conversation!

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225 thoughts on “Dear Reader, Who Are You?”

  1. Hi Daniel,

    I’m David Airey, a late 70s child from the north of Ireland. I enjoy design and cold pints of Guinness on a hot day.

    Happy almost birthday to DBT!

  2. @Gloson, you are a blogging talent. I am not sure how many 11 year old guys have a PR4 blog with over 2,000 subscribers. Congrats on that.

    Good suggestion for the birthday too, I might just do that.

  3. Hi Daniel.

    Happy 3rd birthday to your blog!

    I am Gloson and I am an 11-year-old blogger from Malaysia. I subscribe to your blog and enjoy reading your articles very much 😉 .

    I have been blogging on Gloson Blog for 1 year already. I write about anything interesting that I learn, mainly social media, blogging, and other Internet and computer tips. I like photography and writing funny poetry for kids.

    I have an idea. On the DBT 3rd birthday post, why not you put up the “Firsts” of DBT, like first post, first comment, first guest post, etc? 😉 I’m sure your readers would enjoy that.

    Best Regards,

  4. I’m currently a law student but started my site, ModernGraham, when I was an undergraduate studying finance. The site is about value investing and had a great start in 2006 but then for a couple years was an off/on project.

    Lately, it has been an “on” project that I hope to keep up this time around.

  5. Hi Daniel, I am your follower from Dubai, UAE. I don’t remember how I came across your blog but now I read each and every post of yours. I am an IT consultant by profession. In my free time I blog about life in Dubai. I have been trying hard to find a balance between my job and blogs. At times I am able to post multiples a week but some times my post frequency is reduced to only a few posts in a month. My dream is earn full time income from internet, though I am long away from achieving it, mainly because in Dubai there are not many reliable ways to earn money from blogging or online marking. I might move to US/Canada in a couple of years and pursue my dream there, but before that I have to accumulate enough savings to survive in a new country for an year or so, so that I don’t end up looking for a job immediately after migrating.

  6. Hi Daniel. Thanks for letting your readers join this conversation. Well, I am an Internet Training Coach. I am helping people to make money online. I am maintaining also my own blog like you. If you are looking for free marketing tips. just let me know.

  7. @Lisa, have you ever considering offering psychotherapy services online, via Skype for instance? I think this is going to be a hot market within some years.

  8. My name is Lisa Brookes Kift and I’m a psychotherapist with a private practice in Marin County, California – and have a website called, The Toolbox at, a resource for emotional and relationship health.

    Your blog is very useful!

    Thanks Daniel,


  9. Hey Daniel, Congrats on owning one of the best blogs on the web.

    I am Khan from Hyderabad, India. I am a domainer and web developer. I like most of your posts and they are very useful.

    Wish you goodluck, always!

  10. @Daniel Scocco
    Yes dialup works for me but occasionally I get frustrated when working at my photo blog. Images need more bandwidth and I need more patience 🙂

  11. @Beth, a book review blog is a good idea, especially if you find a specific niche to focus on. For example, management books. A general book review site might work too, but it will take more time to build.

  12. Hello Daniel! I’m from Indiana and I’m a librarian. Right now my blog is mainly a personal blog with a bit of money making referrals thrown in. Eventually I’d like to start a book review blog.

    I also own my own tie dye company as a hobby. I love the process and seeing what will turn out. Often it’s not what I expected, but beautiful anyways.

  13. @Abhijeet, if you have any plans to start making money with the blog I would recommend focusing on a niche. Movie reviews is a good one to get started.

  14. Hi,
    My name is Abhijeet Gandhi and I am a resident of Mumbai(Bombay), India. I work as a PeopleSoft Technical consultant at a software company based in Mumbai.
    I enjoy writing reviews of movies and so decided to start a blog for the same reason. As time went by, I began blogging about anything and everything that caught my interest.
    I blog because it provides me with a stimulating outlet for my creativity and persuades me to be up to date with the world around me.

  15. Just an average white guy here, from the USA. I love technology and making things, and writing about it.

  16. @Bruce, thanks for the comment. How are you liking Morocco? It is one of the places I want to visit in the future (along with Egypt in northern Africa).

  17. I’m from Texas, but currently live in Morocco. Right now I’m studying the local language and hope to start a tourism business.

  18. @Prisqua, glad to have you as a reader.

    Ouch, traveling back and forth must be a pain. But I am sure it is temporary.

    Good luck with the blogs.

  19. Hi and congratulations. I only just discovered your blog and loved it!

    My name is Prisqua, I am French, usually live in Australia and has been for the past 15 years until I met my boyfriend on a social network site. We became best online buddies until we met when I took a trip to the USA. I have been traveling back and forth… Since I am not allowed to work in the USA, I decided to try out blogging full-time to help financially support myself.

    I love reading blogs especially the ones with great tips and advices, but I also enjoy reading about everyday life…

    Thank you.

  20. @Claus, thanks for stopping by. I will check your audio application. You should try to build an online music app one of these days, I am sure it would become popular.

  21. I’m a photographer with a strong technical background; my latest venture is Social Photo Talk, a blog (and related consulting services) focused on social media tips/tricks/advice for photographers and the photography industry.

    Love your site, it’s always great to read what other ideas are being shared by bloggers.

  22. Hey, my name is bitartist, a software engineer from Hong Kong. Your tips are very useful for me, a good reference for bloggers:) Thanks.

  23. Tommy Collison is my name, 15 year old student blogger from Ireland. Enjoys (and therefore blogs about) drumming, reading, music in general and my random thoughts on everything and anything.

    As a laugh, I gave up chocolate for 2009. Yup, a whole 12 months. Nothing to do with sugars or weight or any such health reasons – just for fun, and to see if I could actually do it 🙂


  24. @Ching Ya, I have read some of your posts, and I must say you have a lot of interesting stuff to share.

    Your guest post well very well received, so it was a pleasure.

  25. Interesting.. a good concept of true networking. ^^ I’m all up for that:

    My name is Wong Ching Ya, a lady in her late 20’s who’s passionate about pursuing life fulfillment by doing what you love for a living. I’ve just quit my daytime job in June this year and now blogging fulltime, freelance writing & web/graphic designing as well. I’m married to a wonderful guy, enjoying what life has blessed me with so far. Life is no bed of roses, but what matters is to live through the challenges, you’ll see a new path and a lovely rainbow after the storm. =)

    Will never forget the moment you’ve received my guest post, Daniel. It’s a great encouragement and one of the reasons I still going for what I believe in so far. Appreciate it. God bless!

    Social/Blogging Tracker

  26. @Sean, glad you like the tips. Ever considering writing a blog about creating and designing video games? I am sure there are many people interested in that out there.

  27. Hi Daniel,

    I’m Sean from the UK. I’m 36 now and currently a stay at home Dad to my 13 month old daughter. Prior to this I used to write videogames for a living (and still try to keep my hand in now, time permitting). Plug -> Any iPhone owners out there check out Krakatoa Jr, that’s one of mine!

    I’ve been running a blog called Child of the 1980’s as a hobby for almost three years now, and I’m pleased at how it’s faring visitor wise. It’s also paying for its hosting now so that can’t be bad!

    I have picked up many useful tips from you Daniel over the past few months – I wish I’d come across your site sooner – so please keep up the good work and thanks for this invitation!

  28. @Frank, thanks for your comment. I am sure many people are looking for religious guidance and insights online, so keep up the work on that blog.

  29. Daniel,

    First, let me say that I appreciate the tips that you provide here. I look forward to seeing what you have to say.

    I currently live in Louisville, KY. My first blog is about following Jesus by one who has been a pastor and experienced a sinful fall. I have spent most of my time since then managing hotels. My hope is that the blog will provide wisdom to others about being a fallen human being and about a wonderful, gracious God.

    My other blog is about my insights into football and other cultural experiences.

    Again, thank you.

  30. Hey Daniel, I’m a neighbour from Uruguay, I read your blog since last year and you have given me lots of good advice.

    I’m a computer engineer student and I have a music blog, which, at the moment, is not giving me any income in $, but lots of pleasure to write 🙂


  31. @Mahendra, glad you didn’t get bored with my stuff 🙂 .

    Congrats on working for Aibek is a good friend of mine, and his site is terrific.

  32. Daniel,

    I decided to follow your posts just a few weeks back.

    I am a staff writer at and recently started working as an Editor at Techmeme.

    Live in India, work from home. Love the web. Just wanted to say Hi!

  33. @Pascal, thanks for the nice words. I will check your blog to know more about your projects. India is a quite connected country, so I am sure your blog will be popular.

  34. Hi Daniel,

    Love you as much as i love Internet! People like you are my great aspirations in recent times.

    I am Pascal from India. A blogger and affiliate marketer since four and half years. In coming 14th I am going to publish my blog in “earn money online” niche. Though tens of thousands of blog already available in this niche, None of them make a NO.1 level in that niche as Darren Rowse, John chow in blogging niche.

    So I try to fix that hollow space with my presence. Soon I will be acknowledged by thousands of people.

    Keep looking on my upcoming blog to know what i am going to do.

    Note:I hereby not mentioned my experience. You can get it from my blog.

  35. @Fabio, thanks for stopping by. Focus on building an authority SEM blog and I am sure you will be able to land a job inside an agency.

  36. hey! nice post Daniel. Most people running a blog forget about the original purpose of actually get people together and networking so this one it’s well appreciated 🙂

    Im fabio, working in online marketing fulltime for a editorial company in Madrid and looking for a jobin a seo/sem agency, which is what fits me the best profesionally speaking…

    I’ve been running a few blogs in the past years, some successful some others not, the one you find on the sign it’s more of a personal repository of ideas and technical notes on online marketing.

    nice to read your stuff daily, and glad to get a few words out to you like this. cheers!

  37. @Shurandy, good luck with your studies. I am sure you will be able to find work with an online company if you design (and I would recommend that, as the lifestyle rocks).

  38. Never met before yet but I’m a follower and a subscriber of your blog.

    My name is Shurandy Thode. I’m 22 and still in college studying Communication & Multimedia Design. I’m originally from Bonaire but lived in the Netherlands for the past 5 years. I’m a social media fan and I love to do multimedia design work. Producing audio/beats, videos, webdesign, print, graphic design and so on.

    I maintain a blog called the Skillz C&M Design Blog. The concept behind it is to bring people of same interest together and so to share thoughts and ideas with each other.

    I congratulate you form now with the 3 years anniversary. Keep up the good work.



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